Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Saturday, March 2, 2013

This morning, I take a little time to quickly post some pictures on my blog. ~ I haven't blogged a lot this week and I want to make at least three posts a week on my blog so that's why I decided to post today. ^w^

I just wanted to share the outfit that I wore yesterday and to tell a little about the afternoon that I spended at Kevin's place! ^w^ First, my outfit. ~

I coordinated my Star Night Theatre dress with white and bunny themed accessories. ~

Headbow; Oo Jia.
Blouse; Hmhm.
Jumperskirt; Oo Jia.
Socks; Secret Shop.
Shoes; An*Tai*Na.
Bag; Loris.
Wristcuffs; Chiichick from Livejournal.
Accessories; Paradise Rose Shop, Chocomint & KawaiiGoods.

So, as I said I went at Kevin's place to spend a little time with him. ^w^ I was sooo happy to chat with him and to laugh and have fun. 8D He showed me his collection of Harry Potter goodies wich I am very impressed by! ;o; I am almost jealous. XD; He have so much lovely stuff. ♥

I ate a Chocolate Frog. ^w^ ♥

We also played a little DVD Harry Potter game wich was VERY difficult. XD; It was fun to do but I wasn't very good at it. XD; Finally, we played a little Harry Potter lego game on the Wii. ^w^ I like that game so much! ^o^ It never fails to make me laugh with the little animations and such. :3 Also, this game was much more easier than the other one so I liked that. XD; Overall I had a very lovely time with my awesome friend Kevin! :3 I just can't wait to meet him again. ~

Today I am going at the mall and at a all you can eat chinese buffet with Franky-chan! He is back from Montreal for a couple of days and I really wanted to see him while he is here. ;o; I haven't seen him in more than a year and even if we chat everyday I miss him a lot! ;w; Well, I am sure it will be a lovely day! ^o^

xox ~ Petite Tomoyo. ♥


  1. Ohh thank you , you're so sweet <3. This day with you was really fun and i'm glad you love my harry potter collection and you're chocolate frog <3. Next time : More chocolate frog :D.

  2. Ooohhh yessss. ^w^ Chocolate frogs are so yummy and magical! ~
