Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I decided to make a quick post this afternoon to talk a little about what is happening in my life, to show you my outfit from yesterday and to share something I bought. ^w^

I was feeling very tired yesterday so I took a long nap. ;o; Here was my outfit for the day. ~

All offbrand except for the shoes and the headdress wich are from Bodyline and In The Starlight.

This outfit was one of my favourites when I started college. ♥ I was feeling so happy and free when I would wear it. ;3; It remind me a lot of the state of mind that I had back then... These moments are the ones when I started to think that I was the prettiest girl in the world. ;o; ♥

I also took a picture while Kawaii was sleeping on me. ;o; ♥

Today I decided to clean up the house because we are going to Saguenay this weekend and I wanted the house to be sparkly clean before we leave. ^w^ I don't really look my best so I didn't take an outfit picture. ;~; I am all tired and I have red marks on my hands and arms because of the cleaning products. D:

We were suposed to leave for Saguenay tomorrow but daddy is working overtime so we will have to leave on Saturday. ~ We will stay there until Monday so I should be back Monday night. ^w^

I should take a little time for myself tonight. ;o; I am all exhausted from my cleaning day and I just want to relax with a cup of tea, to make myself a face mask and to paint my nails. ;o;

I also wanted to show you what I just bought from Oo Jia. ^w^ (Well, I didn't paid for it yet but it's ordered. XD)

A pink summer jacket! ^w^

I already have a white cardigan for summer but I wanted a pink one so it can matches my outfits a little better. ^w^ As you may know, my skin often reacts badly to sunlight and it can sometimes hurt my skin to be exposed to the sun. ;w; So when I am wearing short sleeves in summer, I usually wear a cardigan with my outfit to go outside so the skin on my arms aren't exposed to the sun. I also have to wear gloves and very very strong sunblock. ;o;

I don't really know what I will do tomorrow since I have done all the cleaning. XD; Maybe I should take time to read the second Harry Potter book that Kevin lended me. ;o; I haven't had lots of time to read it yet so I hope I will finish it soon. :3 Yes, that's probably what I will do tomorrow. ^w^

xox ~ Petite Tomoyo. ♥

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