Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Friday, March 29, 2013

I didn't had a lot of free time in the last couple of days. OxO But finally, today I have some time to relax. :3 No obligations until tonight. ~

I wanted to share my outfits from the last two days and some pictures of the day I spended with Kevin-chan yesterday. ^w^

On Wednesday I went to the hairdresser to get my roots bleached, my pink colour redone and to get a little haircut. ^o^ Here was my outfit. ~ (I took the pictures before going to the hair salon.)

Star Night Theatre coordinated with white and a bunny theme. ^w^

Headbow; Oo Jia.
Blouse; Hmhm.
Jumperskirt; Oo Jia.
Socks; Secret Shop.
Shoes; Oo Jia.
Bag; Loris.
Accessories; Paradise Rose Shop, Chocomint & Kawaii Goods.

In the morning, I was feeling very tired so I slept a lot. ~o~ I also spended the afternoon at the hair salon. OxO It takes me about 4 hours to get my hairs done... That's why I don't go the hair salon often. XD; I also had a quiet evening at home playing Neopets and reading Harry Potter. ^w^

Yesterday, me and Kevin-chan decided to meet up at the mall to visit the little Easter farm. :3 Here was my outfit. ~

 Another bunny themed outfit. ^w^ Pink & Blue with my Cherry Berry Bunny. ♥

Headbow; Oo Jia.
Blouse; Anna House.
Jumperskirt; Oo Jia.
Socks; Brand Unknown. ;~;
Shoes; An*Tai*Na.
Bag; Loris.
Wristcuffs; Princess Pearl Designs.
Accessories; Paradise Rose Shop, Chocomint & Rococo Soul.

As I said earlier, I met Kevin at the mall and we went to see the little farm animals right away. 8D

The cute goat. ;o; She was so small. ♥

The rooster. XD`; It doesn't look like it on the picture but he was as big as the goat. OxO

The lovely baby piggies. ;o; They were sleeping so peacefully. ♥ Their little noses were twitching. :3

A bunch of baby ducks. ^w^ ♥

The little chicks. ;o; They were moving so fast, I struggled to take a clear picture of them. XD; And the were also mildly chipping. ;o; It was very soothing. ♥

The bunny. ♥ It was so calm in it's cage. ;~; Almost looking uncomfortable. D: I wanted to free the little bunny. ;o;

The pony! ~ It looked very confused and uncomfortable too in such a small place. D: It's bridle looked very cute though. :3

After looking at the animals for a while, we decided to go chill out at Walmart. XD;

I think this is the first photo I have with Kevin-chan. ^o^

We went to the toys section (my favourite, as you may already know :3) and Kevin decided to buy me two small surprise ponies. ;o; I got Ranbow Dash and Princess Luna! I was so sooo SOOOO happy. ^w^ ♥ Thanksies Kevin-chan. ^3^ ♥

 After that we switched to the IGA because there was supposed to be other animals there as well as carriage rides. ^w^

We saw an alpaga. ^w^ He was so funny with his little mouth. XD;

There was also some elegant horses outside. ♥ They were taller than me. ;~; I was kind of scared since bigger animals was a fear of mine when I was young. ;o; But I managed to get a picture of them anyway, they were so pretty. ^w^

Unfortunately, the carriages rides were not available on that day. D: So we went inside and we ate sushis together. ^w^ Yummy!

After that we switched malls because we heard that there was also an Easter farm at the other mall. 8D But there wasn't. ;~; So we decided to hang out at the dollar store. XD;

 We found Lisa Frank shower gel! ~

Kevin transformed himself into a puretti Purincessu. XD;

We found a giant bubble maker at the dollar store so Kevin bought it and we decided to go blow some giant bubbles at the local park. ^w^

 I took lots and lots of pictures. ^w^ It was so fun. ~

I also made a little video. XD;

I had an awesome time with Kevin-chan yesterday; Cute animals, sushis and blowing bubbles makes the perfect memories. ^w^ Since we didn't had time to watch the second Harry Potter movie yesterday, we plan on doing it Sunday. ~ I look forward to it a lot. ^w^

Today I will take time for myself to relax and to take care of my body. ;o; ♥ I also have to dress up beautifully to go at the grocery store later with daddy. ~

xox ~ Petite Tomoyo. ♥

1 comment:

  1. '' Par la barbe de Merlin '' This video is really funny , it was a nice day :). So happy that you like you little poney, you get one rare ;). And Bubbles are so fun <3
