Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Summer Favourites! ~

Hello my pretty lilac flowers! ~

I may be a little late for this type of blog post, maybe? ;o; The weather only started to get cool here so even if September started it still felt very summery until a few days ago. :3

So I decided to talk about my summer favourites today! ^w^ There is a lot more than I originally planned to though! There is a few clothing items, some beauty stuff, some food, a manga, a game and a lot of lifestyle stuff this time! ^w^

~ Lilac Milky Planet Jumperskirt ~

Ha, my dream dress! ^w^ I kind of felt back in love with it during this summer. ~ I've been wearing it a lot of different ways too; Some days more OTT, some days more casual for work... I couldn't not include it in my favourites since I think it's one of the pieces I've worn the most during the last few months, at least more than usual! ^w^

~ Kidsyoyo Peachy Pink Blouse ~

I've been really enjoying to wear that blouse during the hot summer months. ^w^ It's a very lightweight blouse (the lightest in my closet) and it still have long sleeves so my arms are protected from the sun! :3 I've been coordinating a lot of different ways too, but I usually like to wear it with Country Lolita outfits because it's such a muted shade of pink and I think it goes perfectly with the style. ~

~ Yves Rocher Red Lipstick ~

I got this lipstick a few days before Nadeshicon and I liked to wear it a lot during this summer! ~ You can tell that they changed their formula for their lipsticks, it's a lot more creamy and easy to apply. :3 I like to layer it with a lighter lipstick for a less bolder look too. ^w^ If you wonder about the colour, I chose the colour Rouge Vertige and it's the number 49! :3

~ Cherry Blossom Perfume from Avon ~

I got this perfume ages ago in an Avon order. I wasn't head over heels over this perfume until I started to wear it more regularly this summer. :3 It have a light flowery scent that is perfect to go with lighter outfits. I've been really enjoying to wear this perfume more this summer! It was my go-to perfume whenever I wore Country Lolita! ^w^

~ Strawberry Lemonade Tea from David's Tea ~

I got this tea during the beginning of summer. I got a huge can and as you can see I almost used it all! XD; I love these holographic cans though, they don't look as nice on picture than they do in real life! ~ That tea was the perfect pink, fruity lemonade I was waiting for! It's not too sour and not too sweet (I like to always add a bit of sugar though). I had it iced all summer long, I don't know how it would taste hot though. ^w^''

~ Chocolats Favoris ~

I cannot not mention it! XD; The Prince and I went there at least 15 times over the summer since it opened in our city! ^w^'' To me, it's the perfect treat after a long day of shopping or running errands. ~ We also had a few date nights there and relaxed with some yummy ice cream to cool us down too! ^w^ I even organized a Lolita meetup there since I love this place and their chocolate so much, haha! XD;

~ Fruit Basket Manga ~

My friend Sophie was kind enough to gift them to me. ;o; I've been really enjoying reading a few chapters of Fruit Basket before bed. ~ I remember reading the first and second one when I was starting highschool but I don't remember that the story was that... weird? XD; Anyway, I really like it and it let me unwind and laugh a bit before bed each night. :3

~ Love Live School Idol Festival ~

I downloaded this game right after the SagGeek and there wasn't a day I haven't played since... XD; It's a rythm game like Dance Dance Revolution but on your cellphone. ~ You play different songs with the Love Live girls and you level them up, unlock their idol outfits and such. :3 I really like to play it whenever I feel down or stressed because Love Live songs always bring a smile on my face! ^w^

~ Thrifting ~

I've been out thrifting a lot this summer, especially in my hometown! ~ I found so many nice things for my collections and for such a low price too! I show you a few examples here but there is a lot more too! ^w^ My Hello Kitty plushie collection grew a lot over the summer, on the picture, only the big one with a teal bow and the strawberry one are not thrifted! I also grew my Care Bears collections too! I know they are not vintage but I like the newer designs too! ^w^ Finally, I got this pretty flowery antique dishware set in almost perfect condition for only 25$! (It's worth at least 20 times more than that so I screamed when I saw it for that price! OwO) I was searching for some new dishware for a while so I was so happy to find this one. ^w^

~ Witchcraft ~

I don't know if it's a weird thing to put in my favourites or not... But I've been getting more involved with witchcraft lately and I've been discovering a lot more things about it during the summer. :3 I'm still a very beginner witch but I like to try things and connect with nature and take everything I learn on my journey and make them my own. ~ I've decided to do a proper place for my altar and I also started a book of spells. ^w^ I've been more involved into celebrating the sabbats too and it makes me feel really happy and nice. :3 I also helped me a lot to ground myself and be mindful too. ~

That was my favourites for this summer! ^w^ Now that September have started I am slowly getting some fall vibes so I look forward what this fall can bring me! ~

Until next time my cute heart shaped gems! :3

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