Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Anime Review! ~ Yuri!!! On Ice

Hello my pretty little sparkly puppies! ~

I'm back on my blog with an anime review! ^w^ I haven't done these in a long while! Not because I'm not watching anime anymore but most of the anime that I'm watching are longer series that will take me forever to complete... ^w^'' But today I decided to review an anime I finished a couple weeks ago; Yuri On Ice!

Yuri!!! On Ice

Yuri On Ice is a sports anime themed around skating. It aired in Fall 2016 and it's 12 episode long. It's the very first anime of the sports genre that I watch and it was very much recommended to me by a lot of my friends so I decided to give it a go! ^w^


In this anime, you follow the story of Yuri Katsuki and his journey into getting back on track with skating competitions with his coach Viktor Nikiforov, which is also a skating champion from Russia, by his side to help him. I think that even if it's a sport anime, it doesn't feel like it was to me... I feel like it was only a pretext to make the characters develop on something and have a common goal. Even if the anime is only 12 episodes long, I didn't feel like it was too fast paced. The story unfolds promptly but I didn't feel like it was rushed like I usually feel with shorter animes like this.


This kind of art style was definitely new for me, I am very much used to a very cute drawing style when it comes to anime art style and animation. It did bother me a bit at first but it felt refreshing for me. Also, I think the art style really suits the style of the anime and the characters overall. The skating scenes were lacking a bit in the animation department I think, they weren't as fluid as it could have been.


I wasn't really expecting this kind of soundtrack from a sports anime. I think that the music really suited the scenes perfectly, it made the emphasis on the emotions from the characters and I really liked it! For the voices, I think that some of them were okay but for a few of the characters I think it didn't really suit their personalities as well as it could... I feel like some of them were't "matching" with their voice, their tone and their expressions and it made me a bit irritated... XD;


The characters in Yuri On Ice are the main strong point of this anime according to me! The character personalities and developpement in this anime is so strong. I must admit that some of the scenes made me cry a lot... ^w^'' You can feel Yuri and Viktor grow trough the anime and how their relationship develop over time. I was expecting a cheesy romance anime that is hidden as a sports anime but it's much more than that. It's very hard to explain if you haven't watched it but the character developpement in this anime is not comparable to anything I've ever seen.


To my surprise I really like this anime much much more than what I thought I would! I watched it mainly because if the hype around it but I found myself really attached to the story and the characters.

Overall, I give Yuri On Ice a 8 out of 10!

I hope that you liked my little anime review! ~ If you haven't jumped on the Yuri On Ice trend yet I really recommend you watch it, even if you aren't into romance or sports anime! :3

Until next time my swirly cinnamon buns! ~

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