Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

52 Weeks of Lolita ~ What is your favourite brand and why?

 Hello my lovely and warm pumpkin spice lattés! ^^;

As you may have seen during the last few weeks I was in a bit of a blogging slump on my blog... But, my friend Érika showed me a blog; Loliprompts! They have all kinds of prompts for blogging and that's exactly what I needed! :3

So today I decided I would start the 52 Weeks of Lolita! I may skip some weeks if I feel like the subject doesn't apply to me or I may post several in a week if the answer to the prompt is on the shorter side! ^w^

~ What is your favourite brand and why? ~

Firstly, if you have been following me for a while, you may notice that I am far from a brandwhore... XD; The reason for that is obvious; The clothing pieces from all the Lolita brands doesn't fit me, at all... I am a very plus-sized person by Lolita fashion standards and I have been for my whole Lolita journey. So that's why I never really felt attached to Japanese brands because of that...

I still have my favourite designs and aesthetics related to Japanese brands though! I also own a couple of non-clothing items from Japanese brands too so I'm going to list my favourites according to that! ^^

I used to really admire Angelic Pretty when I was starting Lolita more than 10 years ago! ^^ It was the golden era of OTT Sweet and that was all that I was about back in the days! XD; I used to dream of their bright coloured prints full of cute animals, candy, stars and hearts! :3 I was very happy when I could get my grabby hands on my first print replica from Angelic Pretty! Finally, I could be as cute and Over The Top as the beautiful girls I would see on their GLB ads and on their website! I didn't have to "settle for less" anymore and that made me incredibly happy! For once I thought I was the Lolita of my dreams, that I was part of that fairytale and that I wasn't going to be the ugly duckling forever... ^^''

However, nowadays I don't think Angelic Pretty is the brand that I look up to the most anymore... I am not up to date with their recent releases and I haven't been for several years. Now that their Sweet OTT goodness have passed I don't have as much interest in them for the past years.

In the past year or so, I would say that my interest kind of shifted towards Baby The Stars Shine Bright! As a lifestyle Lolita, I think that BTSSB is the brand the represent the Lolita lifestyle the most! Who doesn't want to feel like Momoko, right? ^w^ I love their older designs and the pieces that are very reminiscent of Old-School Lolita. ~ I especially have a very soft spot in my heart for all their Usakumya related merch! ^w^

I mean, who doesn't want cute bunny slippers? XD;

Nowadays I think BTSSB would be the brand that I look the most up to! I really wish I could get my hands on more of their non-clothing items in the future! ^^

I also want to mention a couple of other brands that I like but they wouldn't really be my favourites! ~

I love Innocent World and their take on Sweet-Classic! Even their simpler pieces are made with such nice quality materials from what I have seen. In my personal experience, they are the highest quality of all the brands I've got the chance to see in person! I really wish I could order something from them one day, I've also heard that they have amazing customer service! ^w^

I'm sorry but I'm guilty of loving Metamorphose wacky designs! XD; They also have some pretty nice sweet prints too and they are always creative and colourful! :3

I also need to list Mam Maxicimam as an honorable mention, especially because they got exactly ONE dress that could fit me at my current size! ^^''

The faithful dress! XD;

To be honest, the simpler design doesn't really justify the price for me, (Over 400$ CAD without shipping... ^w^'') however if I had unlimited funds I would probably get it! XD; A girl can dream, right? ^w^''

I also have to finish my honorable mentions with a non-Japanese brand! XD; Especially because that is more accurate to my situation since I actually own 4 dresses from Soufflesong now! ^w^ I would say that if I have to chose one favourite brand clothing wise, it would be them! I love their original prints, their designs and of course the fact that they can offer custom-sized pieces so I can actually wear their clothes! XD;

Do you have a favourite brand or store to shop at for your clothing, Lolita or not? ~ Don't be shy, tell me in the comments below! ^w^

Until next time my pink fluffy blankets, stay safe and take care! <3