Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Lifestyle Lolita 101! ~ The Values of the Lolita Lifestyle & The Princess Code!

 Hello my wonderful gold sprinkles! ^^;

I'm back on my blog today with my second to last post from my Lifestyle Lolita 101 series! ~ This is going to be a bit of a smaller post this time but I wanted to include it anyway! :3

This time, I'm going to share the values of the Lolita Lifestyle! ~

*Please keep in mind that these are only for information and inspirationnal purposes! You don't need to preach all those values to be a lifestyle Lolita! These are just the most common associated with the lifestyle and also the ones that personally inspire me the most so it's very subjective! ^w^

The first value that usually come to our mind when we think about Lolita is of course Elegance. ~ Not only in the way of being and presenting yourself to the world in an elegant way but also on the attention to details in general!

Next is Modesty. ~ When we talk about modesty, it's more oriented towards not wearing clothes that are super revealing of the body. I would even say that is kind of a desexualization of the body by wearing clothes that doesn't put the emphasis on that.

The third and fourth one I put them together because they kind of mean the same thing; Politeness and Courtesy! Lolitas already stand out a lot because of the way we are dressed so I think it's important to be very polite with people in general because we are kind of representing the community as a whole! It's also best to be courteous and have a basic knowledge on etiquette and decorum, it is helpful when going out to fancy venues too! ^^

The next one is Kindness! ~ It's a value that is very important in general for everyone, but I think it suits the Lolita Lifestyle so well! No one wants to be seen as mean or hurt people for no reason... Giving genuine compliments, being present for your friends during time of hardships and being generally a kind and positive soul is such a nice value to have. :3

Kind of linked to kindness, the other one is Generosity! The Lolita community is most of the time a very tight knit community and we share a lot of our time, efforts and ressources together! ~ Lolitas that are always ready to help out newbies in need, share informations or tips about the fashion and also give a lot of their personal time into their local communities and planning meetups are very generous by nature. ^w^

I also put the second to last ones together because they also go hand in hand; Knowledge and Learning! The world of Lolita fashion and Lifestyle is one that is very complex and even if all the information is easily available; you must read, watch and learn a lot to get the fashion and the basics right! ~ Also, most of the Lolitas are very academic people; They might like to learn a new language or hobby like calligraphy or embroidery or read about history and know their classical literature and poetry for exemple.

Finally, the last one but not the least; Creativity! ^w^ Lolitas are also very creative people, either by putting together different coords which is an art in itself, but also by having hobbies that are very focused on art and creation! ~

In this post, I also wanted the share the Princess Code! ~ The Princess Code was an inspiring list of aspiration which marked a lot of Lifestyle Lolitas back in the days since it was written over a decade ago! I think that the Princess Code really summarizes the values of the Lolita Lifestyle so that's why I wanted to include it here! ^w^

~ The Princess Code ~

By Princess Skye (Princess Portal)

A Princess inspired others to follow their hopes and dreams through pursuing her own.

A Princess greets everyone with a welcoming smile, melting the hearts of friends and disarming her enemies.

A Princess has dignity, which protects her from the opinions and spite of ignorant people.

A Princess always looks beautiful, even when she is asleep.

A Princess aims for perfection in every step.

A Princess should be given fresh flowers everyday, even if she has to give them to herself.

A Princess grows in recognition and stature in proportion to how much she treats others as royalty.

A Princess reflect’s her inner beauty in her aesthetic choices.

A Princess goes to war against the violence of incivility with the weapons of etiquette and prodigal generosity.

A Princess lives each day from the heart, expressing herself freely and treasuring every moment.

A Princess has the right to spend her funds on beautiful things she does not need because beauty in itself is priceless.

A Princess should follow her heart and believe in her dreams, even if the whole world seems to be against her.

A Princess respects her environment and nurtures the beauty of nature.

A Princess is never too busy to give a kind word or smile where it is needed.

A Princess’s most precious jewel is Hope, which lights her darkest days and shows her the beauty in every soul she meets.

A Princess always sees the bright side of bad situations and does everything in her power to correct the dilemma and all its wrongdoings.

I hope that these affirmations can inspire you in your Lolita Lifestyle! ^^; I know that for myself they inspired me a lot back in the days and are still a great part of my personality today! ~

Until next time my cute fluffy white kittens, stay safe and take care! <3


  1. There are many years since I saw a blog so inspiring and so wonderful to read! Thank you so much for your posts, they make me remember why I felt in love with lolita eleven years ago!

    1. Awwww you're so kind! ;v; It really means a lot to me and I'm glad I can inspire you!! ~
