Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Anime Review! ~ Tokyo Mew Mew!

Hello my sweet blueberry cakes! :3

I'm back on my blog today after a bit of an involuntary hiatus! ^^'' I was actually working on a clothing review that I thought I could finish and publish earlier but it ended up being a bit more time consuming than I thought so I decided to write an anime review in the meantime! ^^;

I wanted to write a review on the anime Tokyo Mew Mew, even if it's an older anime. ~ I heard that for a lot of people of my generation it was one of their introduction to anime! But I also kind of heard a lot of mixed opinions about it... So I just wanted to add my own two cents with my review! (Spoiler alert, I really enjoyed it! XD)

~ Tokyo Mew Mew ~

Tokyo Mew Mew is a 52 episodes anime that aired back in 2002-2003!

~ Story ~

Tokyo Mew Mew is a magical girl anime and the premise is kind of mysterious and unusual but still pretty straightforward! You follow a group of 5 girls with magical powers that have the ultimate mission to defeat the bad guys; the aliens!

They gather together in a cute little Maid Café that also hides their magical headquarters along with two mysterious guys and their magical robot fairy Masha! Each of them get their powers from a different animal that is an endangered species (from what I understood?) and their mission is kind of related to how they should protect life on earth, basically. ~

I thought that premise was honestly refreshing! I love how they took inspiration from animals. I love their secret mystery base with all the weird technology and computers. I love that their magical fairy is a robot and kind of ties it together with their secret base also! ^^;

There is also the cutest and the most cheesy love story I ever saw in a magical girl anime! >3< There is also some more deeper plot elements related to it that were incredibly well done and developed in my opinion.

The plot is pretty solid, well executed and the pace is quite good! I thought it was a bit slow for the first 10-15 episodes but after that the pace is much more better. There is not a lot of filler episodes overall and the story progress nicely. There is quite a bit of cliffhangers that makes you want to watch the next episode which is always something I like in anime! ~

~ Art ~

The art and the animation definitely show the age of the anime, but it didn't really bother me. It felt more nostalgic than anything else. The colours are vibrant trough the anime, the characters are nicely brought to life by their expressions which is something I enjoy.

The way they animated the attacks are pretty basic but considering the fact that it aired almost two decades ago it's fine to me! Same thing for their outfits, it's a bit basic but still cute; it does the job in the end! ^^;

~ Sound ~

The music trough the anime was probably the less polished point in my opinion. It didn't really bother me but they kind of use the same music for each "sad" scene, each "combat" scene, etc... I would have appreciated a bit more variety, especially since the music isn't really that good... ^^''

The opening and the endings are fine... They don't really stand out to me but they didn't bother me either.

However I liked the voices actors, I thought they suited the characters very well! Some of them have accents or voice patterns that make them stand out more and I really appreciate that! ^^;

~ Characters ~

The characters are another very strong point in this anime in my opinion! It's a bit of a shame that some of them have more development than others but they still get their fair amount under the spotlight! Overall each supporting characters got 2-3 episodes dedicated to them and their development which is fine by me for an anime of this length.

They did a lot of plot twist involving characters and their identities, their secrets, etc... I really enjoyed that and I didn't saw them coming at all! (The Prince watched a couple of episodes with me and he could tell though so maybe the surprise isn't that strong... XD) I loved how they developed their personalities, the motives for their actions were really in character through the whole anime and all the characters had nice depth for a children anime!

Even the villains had their own development episodes, they also have their deepest moments and they get some pretty good redemption in the end which is always something I appreciate!

~ Enjoyment ~

I started watching Tokyo Mew Mew kind of with mixed opinions at first and the plot is also a bit slower in the beginning, but when I got to know the characters more I started to enjoy the story more and more!

The premise was pretty strong and I never saw anything quite exactly like that in an anime before. I loved the cliffhangers, the plot twists, the love story and the moral dilemmas. ~ I loved the fact that the characters are far from being one-sided and it made them feel more relatable and real.

I really think that Tokyo Mew Mew is a must watch if you are a fan of the magical girl genre and especially if you love romance and a solid plot that actually revolves around something meaningful, real and relatable.

Overall I give Tokyo Mew Mew a rating of 9 out of 10!

I hope that you liked my review today, I really enjoy doing those since I watch a lot of anime and I also love sharing my thoughts about them, hehe! ^w^

I hope to have my other review up soon too, please look forward to it! :3

Until next time my precious purple jewels, stay safe and take care! <3

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