Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Friday, August 16, 2019

I've been a lifestyle Lolita for 10 years! ~

Hello my perfectly sweet strawberries! ~

I wanted to take the time today to write a little emotional blog post about something that is very important and dear to me... As the title says, this month is the month where I celebrate my 10th year as a daily and lifestyle Lolita! :3

I remember the young Tomoyo that had just finished high school, with her head full of frilly dreams and her eyes full of sparkles. I knew that I wanted to be a Lolita for as long as I could, but I would never have imagined that it would last that long... I had this feeling that one day "the real world" would take advantage of me and crush me while I let these new blooming flowers wilt before I could do anything...

Yet here I am, 10 years after, still wearing my cute frilly clothes, my lovely armor of battle to face the world pretty much everyday! ~

I don't know if it's something I should be proud about, but I feel extremely proud of myself. I feel proud because I had the courage to keep doing what I love and never give up, I had the courage to find a job that would allow me to wear the frilly clothes that are so dear to my heart, I had the courage to pursue my dreams even if everyone told me to give up, I had the courage to stand up for what I believe in even if the world seemed to be against me sometimes... ;w;

I know that the young 16-17 years old me would be proud. I know that I am walking pretty much exactly the path I dreamed of walking back in the days...

Having my pretty little pastel home filled with plushies, cute toys and flowery antique teacups, having the luck to wake up every morning to the smile of a lovely partner who I call my Prince, getting to work everyday wearing exactly the outfit I feel comfortable and confident in without having to tone it down, meeting up monthly (and locally!) with a community of gorgeous frilly friends that I created myself...

This is the dream that I wanted to achieve. My younger self had that dream but she knew it was silly... She wanted it to happen but she knew it would be harder to achieve... And yet here I am! ;w;

I have so much courage and determination within me that I never knew about... But I am not selfish. I know that right now I am living pretty much what I would call my dream life, but I want others to benefit of it too! So that's why I want to be an inspiration for others. That's why I share my life here, the Lolita meetups, my daily outfits... It's to inspire people that were like the young Tomoyo to pursue their dreams too! ~ If we keep believing in our dreams, we have the power to keep making the sad grey world a wonderful fairytale from our own imagination! :3

I really wanted to reflect on that this month and it took a while to gather my thoughts in order... But that was only the first part of this little "10 years of lifestyle Lolita" celebration! ^w^ I'm going to have a big Q&A about being a daily/lifestyle Lolita post up as soon as I can too! :3

Until next time, take care my beautiful daisies! ~

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