Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Thursday, July 15, 2021

52 Weeks of Lolita! ~ What is the story behind your discovery of Lolita fashion?

 Hello my little Shortcakes! ^w^

Today I'm back on my blog with another prompt from the 52 weeks of Lolita challenge! ~ The subject for this week si really interesting to me and I really love sharing about it from time to time (even if I did talk about it in this blog in the past!).

This time, the subject is...

What is the story behind your discovery of Lolita fashion?

So I discovered Lolita fashion in the beginning of the year 2009!

Back in the days, I used to own a Skyblog (that definitely shows my age here! XD) and I would be a bit familiar with Harajuku/Japanese fashion because I was following all kinds of alternative people.

I was also a emo/scene back in the days; I was pretty much was you would call a "lifestyle emo" from 2005 to 2008. XD; Of course, because I was into such darker styles I was also interested in Gothic, Punk and Visual-Kei fashion too!

In the beginning of 2009 I kinda wanted to change my style to a more... Decora/Fruits vibe because I was getting tired of darker styles. I began to research a lot more about Harajuku fashion and Japanese styles! ~

During that time, I was also doing some research on Victorian and Romantic Gothic fashion because I wanted to wear something along those lines for my prom! ^w^

This is where I came across Gothic Lolita and Mana-sama! :3

I didn't clue into the fact that Lolita fashion, Fruits and Decora were all Harajuku fashions because the vibes were SO different to me! And that's how I also learned about all the other Lolita substyles like Sweet Lolita and Classic Lolita! ~

So yeah, that would be how I discovered Lolita fashion! ^w^

And that would be the timeline;

November 2008; Learned about Harajuku Fashion.

Beginning of 2009; Changed my style to Decora/Fruits/Harajuku inspired. XD;

March 2009; Discovered Gothic Lolita.

May 2009; Discovered that there is other Lolita styles other than Gothic XD;

June 2009; My "first Lolita outfit" aka my prom outfit aka my ita phase... >w<

August 2009; Decided to quit wearing fashion that is not Decora/Lolita. I also discovered about the Lolita lifestyle! And also the month I chose to be my "Lolita Birthday"! ^w^

September 2009; I discover Lolita brands and Lolita-specific shops!

October 2009; I get bloomers and an actual petticoat! XD; Also the month I started to wear exclusively Lolita everyday and I started to call myself a lifestyle Lolita! :3

And yes, I totally had to go back and look at the dates on my old Lolita blog... XD;

I can't believe it was more than 12 years ago, it honestly feels like it was last year! ;w; My love for Lolita fashion haven't gone away at all since the day I wore my first outfit! ~ It's still my reason to get up in the morning and to strive to be the best version of myself everyday! ^w^

And you, how did you discover Lolita fashion? :3 Tell me about it in the comments! ~

Until next time my little Shortcakes, stay safe and take care! <3


  1. That's so cool! I discovered lolita fashion in december 2008, while searching for some mini hats on the internet in my Avril Lavigne-like phase. I remember texting a friend saying "I discovered what I am! I am a punk lolita!!!!". That was life changing for me, even though I never wore punk lolita in all these years lol.

    1. Omg that is so cool!! ^^ I remember at the time saying that I liked a mix of sweet and gothic Lolita... Without really knowing that they don't really mix together, haha! ^w^''
