Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Monday, March 2, 2020

Saguenay's Lolita Meetup! ~ February 2020!

Hello my lovely and warm periwinkle blankets. :3

I'm back on my blog today with the very few pictures I took during our monthly Lolita meetup for February with my local community! ^^;

I'm a little bit later then what I would have liked but the last week was SO hectic for me; I was sick with a bad cold for most of the week and I had to prepare my trip to my hometown also (which I did last weekend)! But now I should be able to get back on track. ~

So, for our monthly meetup in February we had a small Tea Party at Catherine's place. ~ We also decided to do a small Valentine's gift exchange for the occasion too. :3

Here was my outfit for the meetup! ~

~ Outfit from February 22nd! ~

Headbow; Kidsyoyo
Blouse; Oo Jia
Jumperskirt; Oo Jia
Socks; Bodyline
Bag; Loris
Wristcuffs; Princess Pearl Designs
Accessories; Chocomint, Paradise Rose & Offbrand

I decided to wear one my favourite colour scheme to fit the Valentine's theme; Pink and red! ^^; So I wore my Milky Berry jumperskirt coordinated with red and accessories themed around strawberries and flowers. ~ I wanted something a bit more on the elegant side as it was a tea party. :3

Here was everyone's outfits! :3 (Minus Angélique since she arrived a bit later and I totally forgot to take her outfit picture... ^^'')

Sandrine in her new flowery mint dress. :3 I loved how she pulled out the cream accents on her dress with her headbow. ^^;

Jenn was super elegant as usual, such a cute hairstyle. :3

I thought that Catherine was lovely in her coordinate. ^^; I like the way she balanced out the colours. ~

Érika was wonderful in her red skirt, I think it suit her so well and she coordinated it nicely with her bunny broach and ears. :3

And finally, me. ^^;

The Tea Party Catherine hosted was so nice! ~ We had a chocolate fondue feast and we had so many things to dip in chocolate!! *w*

The table setup, yummy! ~

After our meal/feast we exchanged our Valentine's gifts! :3 I picked up Catherine and I offered her a handmade watercolour card, a poem and some Japanese treats!

Jenn picked me and here was my gift from her! ~ Lots of yummy chocolate, a lovely card and a rose made of wood so it will never fade. :3 I was so happy and thankful! ^^;

We also played some games, like a Lolita version of "Brin de Jasette" which is a boardgame where you ask questions and everyone have to answer. ~ Catherine and I made a Lolita version of it and it was so fun to chat and know more about everyone's view of Lolita fashion and lifestyle. :3

Overall I had a really great time with my Lolita community this month. :3 Time goes by so fast when you are surrounded by people that you like! ~

Until next time my very sparkly jade gems, take care. :3

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