Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Monday, December 10, 2012

These last days were very productive for me. ^o^ I was more buzy than usual wich is not a bad thing after all. XD; Today, I have two outfits to share with you. ~

This was my outfit last saturday to eat out dinner with daddy. ~

A simple and elegant outfit with my Wonder Cookie. ♥

Headbow; Kidsyoyo.
Blouse; Hmhm.
Jumperskirt; Dream of Lolita.
Socks; Secret Shop.
Shoes; An*Tai*Na.
Bag; Dream of Lolita.
Cupcake Necklace; Paradise Rose Shop.
Big Shimmering White Tulle Bow; Chocomint. (It's a hairclip that I clipped trough the lace of the jumperskirt.)
White Small Tulle Bow; Chocomint.
Pink Tea Party Brooch; Chocomint.
Wristcuffs; Chiichick on Livejournal.
Pink Tulle Bow Ring; Chocomint.

Now, my outfit for today to eat out a little breakfast and run some errands with daddy. ~

A simple pink outfit with a little touch of red themed around strawberries. ♥

Headbow; Oo Jia.
Blouse; Dear Celine.
Jumperskirt; Oo Jia.
Socks; Secret Shop.
Shoes; An*Tai*Na.
Bag; Bodyline.
Cupcake Necklace; Paradise Rose Shop.
Puffy Colourful Bow; ManiaQ.
Strawberry Ring; Paradise Rose Shop.

Now, let's make the lolita challenge. ^w^

Day 8 ~ 10 songs that inspire you for lolita.

1. The first songs I can think about is the album Crystal Letos from LAREINE. ♥ It's an album with only instrumental songs and all of them are so light and magical. ♥ I listen to this album very often while I prepare myself. ~

2. Secret Secret from Perfume. ~ This song put me in such a cheerful mood. ^w^

3. Omocha no Miisha from Noir Fleurir. ♥ It's one of the first songs that were playing on the CD in my car in the first months that I started wearing lolita and it remind me so much things. ~

4. Hana from SHAZNA. This song is so serene and peaceful, I love it. ♥

5. Sumire September Love from SHAZNA. Again, it's one of the songs that were in my car's CD when I started wearing lolita.

6. Maze from Velvet Eden. Almost all the songs from Velvet Eden makes my love for old school gothic lolita grow stronger. ♥

7. Mori from Moon Kana. ♥ I love Kana, her songs put me in a very lolita mood. ♥

8. Chocolat from Moon Kana. ~ It's so lovely, and it's in french!

9. Lolita from Moon Kana. ♥ So inspiring for lolita lifestyle. ~

10. Maid from Moon Kana. ~ I love the feeling of this song so much. ♥

That's it for today. ~ Tonight I ate a lovely dinner and now I will prepare myself a huge cup of sugary milk tea. ♥ I feel very productive but so serene these last days, I feel happy. ♥

xox ~ Petite Tomoyo. ♥

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