Hello my little shortcakes! :3
I'm back on my blog today with another prompt from the 52 Lolita Challenge! ^w^ The one from this week is very inspiring to me and I think it can also help me bring a little bit more gratitude into my life which is always important! ~
What are the top 10 things you love most about Lolita?
I'm going to list the 10 first that come to my mind, in no particular order! :3
1. ~ How it makes me feel! <3
I have never encountered something else in my life that made me feel as confident and happy as Lolita! It bring me so much joy and makes me feel so good about myself. ;w; It's hard to describe how powerful it is, it's like I am my own living dream and I am going to live forever for that! ^w^
2. ~ It gives me a reason to get up in the morning and to never give up no matter what!
Both clothing-wise and lifestyle-wise! Back when I was feeling at my worst I was holding on just so I could wear my pretty frilly clothes on that day. Being a lifestyle Lolita gives me a sense of purpose and a goal in life! :3
3. ~ The friendships I made along the way!
I wanted to put "the community" at first, but it really is all the friendships I made because of my passion, not only with other Lolitas but also with people that are into Japanese culture and geeky stuff! ^w^
4. ~ The lifestyle! <3
How could this not be the first one on the list? XD; The Lolita lifestyle is really one of things that matter most to me in life. It is so aligned with how I want to be as a person and it's one of the things that mainly shaped who I am today and I am very, very grateful for that!
5. ~ The knowledge I acquired!
Not only about how to coordinate the clothes but knowledge about everything that is related to the lifestyle! How to throw together a nice Tea Party, how to have successful social media to reach people, knowledge about hairstyles, makeup, where to shop, etc...! ^w^
6. ~ Lolita meetups! ^w^
I loooove hosting meetups for my local community! ;w; It makes me feel so proud and happy! If you would have told Tomoyo from a decade ago that she would have started her own little Lolita community here in Saguenay and that she was going to host meetups with some beautiful Lolitas and Oujis I would never have believed her! XD; It's one of the thing I am the most proud of in life, I think! ~
7. ~ How the clothes fit on my body!
I was always one that was very insecure about not only my body size but the shape of it. I am kind of an inverted triangle according to my measurements and that used to make me so self-conscious as a teenager... ^w^'' But I think that's why I love the fashion so much! With the poof of the petticoat and how the dresses and skirts fit to my body, it gave my body the shape that I love! :3 I also don't feel as self-conscious about my size anymore because I feel like the clothes really suit me! ^w^
8. ~ How you have to think about every little detail in an outfit!
I've always been someone that love the details about every little thing in life in general! XD; But with Lolita fashion, I love who you have to think about everything; the colours, the placement of the accessories, the themes, the textures, your hairstyle, your makeup, your poses, even down to the perfume you chose to wear on that day! <3
9. ~ It is unique!
Every Lolita I know is unique in their own way! People can say all they want about the rules, but I love how each Lolita is able to make their outfit their own with their personal touches. Some of them have very signature looks, the way they coordinate accessories or do their makeup or style their hair! :3 It's so fun to see the personality of everyone through their outfits! <3
10. ~ How it saved my life...
Honestly, I say it all the time when it is brought up... Lolita fashion and especially the lifestyle have saved my life. It appeared on my path in a time when I needed the most and for that I will be eternally grateful! <3
I hope you had fun joining me in written form today! :3
If you are also a Lolita, what are the things you love the most about it? ^w^ Tell me about it in the comments! ~
Until next time my little shortcakes, stay safe and take care! <3