Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Sunday, March 28, 2021

52 Weeks of Lolita ~ Does your style change with the seasons, or do you dress the same and try to bear the cold/heat?

Hello my little shortcakes! ^w^

I'm back today in written form with another prompt from the 52 weeks of Lolita challenge! ~ The prompt today is...

Does your style change with the seasons, or do you dress the same and try to bear the cold/heat?

I am going to be a little bit boring this time and I'm going to be honest with you; I don't really dress according to the weather that much? XD;

I am someone that isn't really bothered by extreme weather, either cold or hot so I don't really change my outfit plans depending on the temperature! ^^''

I may be more careful and chose to wear a skirt or an OP if it's a really hot day in the summer so I don't "double layer" with a blouse under my jumperskirt, but otherwise it doesn't change that much.

The thing that is fluctuating the most with the seasons for me is usually the styles and the prints that I am going to wear!

For exemple, I tend to not wear Country Lolita or my flowery/gingham prints in the winter just because I don't find them season appropriate that much?

Same thing for my Snowbunny jumperskirt that I don't usually wear when there isn't snow... Or my Happy Garden skirt that I only wear around Easter/Springtime! ~

I may do some exceptions sometimes if I feel like it but I try to dress seasonally, but only with the theme of my outfits, not the weather necessarily! ^^;

So I hope you liked my little insight today!

If you wear alternative fashion yourself; Does your style change with the season? Tell me about it in the comments! :3

Until next time my little shortcakes, stay safe and take care! <3


  1. Loved your post! As for me, it doesn't change, because here in Brazil the weather is more or less the same all year long. We basically have 2 "defined" seasons, summer and winter. In summer is hot as hell and rains a lot, while in winter it is like just less hot and less rainy (we don't have snow here in Brazil, except for specific places, not my case unfortunately, but I wouldn't call that OOOH SNOW haha). So because of that I end up wearing the same things all the seasons.

    1. Thank you for your comment! ^^;

      In my area of Canada the winter and summer are much more defined too! We don't get much fall or spring and if we do it doesn't last very long, maybe 1 month... XD; I'm lucky I love winter and snow though! ^^
