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~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Anime Review! ~ The iDOLM@STER!

Hello my wonderful blue raspberry donuts! ^^;

I'm back on my blog today with a small anime review! ~ I wanted to review this anime because I feel like it's not a very popular idol anime! Even if I heard about it a couple of times I feel like it's not as well known so I wanted to add my two cents to the reviews! XD;

Again like most of my reviews I'm going to try to make it as spoiler free as possible! :3

~ The iDOLM@STER ~

Idolmaster is a 25 episode anime that aired back in 2011! I believe there is also a couple OAVs and a movie but I only watched the "26th episode" OAV!

There is also a couple of "alternative settings" in the Idolmaster series with a whole different story and different characters and stuff. I looked them up and most of the reviews recommended that you start with that series if you want to start watching the whole franchise, so that's what I did! ^^;

~ Story ~

The story is about a group of 13 girls that are aspiring idols and you follow them through their journey; from the early stages of idoldom as they become more and more popular.

For what it's worth the story and the premise are pretty straightforward! There isn't really any big plot development, in my opinion it's a story that is on the cusp between an idol anime and a slice of life anime. The plot in itself is very simple and even if they encounter some hardships along the way they aren't really that huge and "plot twisty"...

I loved the fact that they didn't really sugarcoat the world of idols in the first part of the series. You can see how hard they struggle to start being noticed in the business world as idols. In my opinion it was a very genuine representation, which is something that I haven't seen a lot in idol anime.

Overall it's pretty simple story and plot to follow but it's a liiiitle bit bland in my opinion.

~ Art ~

Personally I didn't like the art style in this anime... ;w; I feel like the animation and the drawing were kind of poor quality?

The way that they would draw mouths really did bother me, you can kinda see it in the artwork poster but I feel like their mouths were often too big for their faces and I didn't like the fact that you almost never see their teeth? I thought I would get over it but it still bothered me for the whole series... XD; I also think that their eyes were lacking expression a bit and they felt lifeless sometimes...

The animation for the dances weren't very impressive either. ;w; And I didn't like the way the backgrounds were drawn most of the time, it felt unpolished. ^^''

~ Sound ~

I was expecting to like most of the songs in this anime since I'm really enjoying "anime style" music and idol songs; it's the kind of music I listen to almost exclusively... XD; However...

I liked exactly ONE song in the whole anime and it's not even a cute and bubbly one... ^w^'' It was Chihaya song; Aoi Tori, which is a very dramatic song in my opinion. XD;

The songs were very lackluster to me, most of them weren't very catchy and I feel like I could get used to a few of them but overall I didn't like them when I heard them through the anime... They didn't stand out to me at all...

For the voices, some of the characters voices were a bit grating to me but I feel like they suited their characters so I won't be too harsh about it but personally I did find some grating; especially Yayoi and Iori voices... ><''

~ Characters ~

One thing I think this anime did pretty well, the characters and character development!

At first I was worried because 13 main characters is a lot for a 25 episode anime and I thought that we would only see the surface of their personalities, but the anime did manage to make each of them shine. Most of them had their own development episode which is something I really liked!

During the last third of the series you can really see their personalities unfold as they grow as idols and interact together! It was really interesting to see and the last part of the series is what made me enjoy the anime so much! ^^;

~ Enjoyment ~

I wasn't enjoying the anime much for most of the series but as they started to give each of the girls their "spotlight episodes" I started to like it more! My favourite part was definitely the end of the series which I thought was very heartwarming and soft. :3

However I think the plot in itself lacked depth and the animation was bad overall... I was also sad that I didn't like most of the songs despite me liking that type of music so much... ^w^''

I always thought that the Idolmaster series was a must watch but after watching it I don't think that you miss anything if you don't watch it honestly, it's up to you! ~

Overall I give iDOLM@STER a rating of 7 out of 10!

I hope you liked my small anime review even if it wasn't overly positive, haha! XD;

Until next time my fluffy orange foxes, stay safe and take care! ~

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