Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sugarpill Little Twin Stars Makeup Collection Review! ^w^

Hello my cute marshmallow bunnies! :3

I'm back on my blog today with something I haven't done like... ever! XD; But I was so excited about it, I knew I wanted to talk about it on my blog! ~

So today I wanted to write a little review about the Little Twin Stars Sugarpill palette and liquid lip colours! Someone on a makeup group I am a part of shared that Sugarpill had these two on a major sale so since I wanted to try it for so long I decided to give it a go! ^^;

I know that the hype kind of died and that palette was released several years ago but I wanted to review it anyway just because I want to talk about makeup... XD;

Please keep in mind that I am very much a beginner when it comes to experimenting with different makeup brands and styles! I've been pretty much doing the same makeup style and bought the same products for the last decade at least so take my opinion and advice for what it's worth... Which is probably not much, haha! ^w^''

Here was my order, unpacked! ~

I don't feel like it would be very accurate to review the processing/shipping time during a global health pandemic but for full disclosure I placed my order on April 21st in the morning, it was shipped the same day at the end of the afternoon and I received my order on May 11th!

Let's start with the lip colours! :3

~ Liquid Lip Colour Duo ~

I got both on sale for 6$ USD which is around 8.50$ CAD! ~

Firstly, the packaging is super duper cute!! I like the lilac shade they used for the cap part and I love the fact that the colour of the lipstick is supposed to mimic Kiki and Lala's hair colours! OwO So cute!!

Both lip colours are very full coverage, opaque and very vibrant! It's a bit hard to see in the swatch or the tube but they have a bit of a gold glitter to them as well! They feel light and nice on the lips, almost like you aren't wearing makeup but they are a bit drying after a while. They are also both scented like orange creamsicle, yummy!! ^w^

Kiki's shade (the turquoise one) was a bit grainy and it took a bit more work to get it spread out evenly on my lips. You can also see it's a bit grainy on the swatch too. They are both not very forgiving if you make a mistake while applying the product and you have to take your time to apply it properly. It's not like a lipstick where you can just wipe it off with your finger and start again... ^^'' They are both very long lasting and you need a sturdy makeup remover to get rid of it. I couldn't get them off just by using a wet towel to remove them. Kiki's shade also stained my lips and mouth area a bit and I had to actually wash my face too after removing it.

I thought that Lala's shade (the pink one) would suit me more, but it was the opposite actually! I wasn't really prepared to like the turquoise one so much on me, I even told a friend I would give it to them if I wouldn't like it haha! XD; But now I only need to build-up the courage to wear it outside since it's so daring for me! ^w^''

~ Pros ~

~ Cute packaging, limited edition
~ Nice shades with glitters in them
~ Feel very light on the lips
~ VERY long lasting

~ Cons ~

~ Texture is a bit grainy
~ Product was hard to apply properly
~ A bit drying on the lips
~ Hard to remove, stained my skin

Now, onto the palette! ~

~ Limited Edition Eyeshadow Palette ~

I got the palette on sale for 14$ USD which is around 20$ CAD! ~

The eyeshadows were very hard to swatch and photograph accurately, I did the best I could, haha... ^^''

For the palette, we are met again with a lovely lilac packaging, I love the mirror and the plastic sleeve with the name of the shades on them, very cute! :3 I am someone that wears mainly cute pastel clothes so I was looking forward using all of those shades except Wish (the copper one) since it's not a colour I wear or I am drawn to in daily life... ^^'' The pan sizes are big and you get a lot of product! ~

All of the colours were pretty sheer on my swatches except Star Ribbon (the turquoise) which is also the only colour that is matte. I would say that they are a bit less sheer when applied on the eyelid. The colours are definitely buildable which is something I look for in my daily makeup. ~

Some of the shades have a LOT of fallouts, it's almost ridiculous... Like I cannot get my brush in the pan without having twice as much of product just as fallout... I don't know if it's because the palette was old but it seems to be a thing people pointed out in their reviews even when the palette launched, so... ^w^'' The only shade I didn't had that problem was Dream Dust (the beige one) but that's probably because I used it mostly as a highlighter and I applied it with my fingers because I am a noob and I don't have a brush for highlighter yet. XD;

I tried a couple of makeup looks with them at this point and I can say that each of the shades doesn't last the same time when worn. I found that Cloud Maker (the silvery blue) and Twinkle Twinkle (the gold one) wouldn't even last half a day on my eyes. I don't really wear primer though but I don't think that's necessary on a day to day basis and I expect most eyeshadows to last though my 4 hour shift at work, at least... And that's a problem I never had before... ^w^'' Star Ribbon and Sky Candy (the pink one) are the ones that were much more long lasting.

I found that I like the shade Dream Dust much more as a highlighter than a eyeshadow but they were advertised as highlights and blush too! I also tried Sky Candy as a blush which I liked too! ~

~ Pros ~

~ Nice sparkly shades, limited edition
~ Buildable, nice for daily wear
~ Can be used as eyeshadow, highlighter or blush
~ Big pan size

~ Cons ~

~ LOTS of fallout
~ Some of the colours aren't as long lasting

Here is a makeup look I did with the collection; Sky Candy on my inner eye, Cloud Maker on my outer eye, Star Ribbon under my eye, dream dust as a highlighter and Lala's liquid lip colour. ~

So that was it for my first makeup review! ^w^ I hope you enjoyed it and if you want to give this collection a go, they are both still available and still on sale on the Sugarpill website as I write this blog post so grab them while you can! :3

Until next time my precious pink heart shaped confettis, take care and stay safe! ~

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