Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Anime Review! ~ Pandora Hearts!

Hello my sweet chocolate cupcakes! ~

I'm back on my blog today with an anime review for you! ^w^ I finished to watch this anime during the Holidays and since it's been a while I wrote something interesting on my blog I thought it would be nice to do a review for you! ~

Pandora Hearts

Pandora Hearts is a 25 episode anime series that aired back in 2009. ~


In this story, we mostly follow Oz Vessalius after he was banished into a world called the Abyss and made a contract with a "chain" there if he wanted to go out of the Abyss and go back to the "real world". After that, the story introduces us to different characters that will help Oz shine the light on the mysteries that is the Abyss, the chains and the mysteries about his life in general.

The story is kind of hard to follow if you aren't used to supernatural series like this. There is quite a bit of time travels and throwbacks; we follow the characters between different worlds and the story doesn't really have a linear timeline. For me it was hard to get used to it at first and I had to read some summaries of the episodes after watching them because I didn't always understand what was going on... However I think the story was nicely developed, the pace was great and we would start to get some of the answers from the original plot... Until about 3/4 of the anime. That's because the last few episodes of the anime doesn't follow the story of the manga (the manga is much longer and more detailed than that). I kind of felt like the end was rushed and the information that was given didn't really made sense with the story or the characters.


I liked the art style and I think that even if it was an older anime it really did age well. I feel like it's very much a generic dramatic anime/manga art style so that's why it resisted well to the test of time I think. It wasn't a very cutesy art style like I am used to but there was definitely some nicely animated scenes and fights that I enjoyed nonetheless. Also, I cannot lie and I want to mention that I watched this anime mostly because of the victorian feeling and the pretty outfits and I wasn't disappointed. It really inspired me for my own fashion style and lifestyle too! ^w^


The soundtrack of this series is amazing! I felt like the songs and the music really complemented the scenes very well and they would get stuck in my head for days. (I'm actually listening to the soundtrack as I write this! XD) It's one of the first good points of the anime that I noticed when I first started to watch it, the songs were so good and dramatic it made me crave to watch it more! ^w^ It kind of reminded me of the soundtrack from Rozen Maiden but they don't seem to share the same artist or compositors.

As for the voices, none of them were bothering me but I think that they could have matched the characters personalities a bit more? Sometimes they felt very impersonal and generic which was a bummer since the characters are so complex and nicely developed themselves.


The characters are another very great point of this anime! I've never seen such surprising character development in another anime before. The thing I liked the most is that they seem very "real", they doesn't act stereotypically and you couldn't really predict how they would react to certain things and each of them seemed always so mysterious. I think that it would be easy to relate to the characters from this anime because they aren't unidimensional, they all have their own quirks that get revealed through the anime. I really enjoyed to discover them through the episodes (even if for the last few episodes some of their reactions felt "off").


Overall I mostly enjoyed watching this anime and I know why it have been recommended to me multiple times! I loved the music a lot, I loved the outfits and the characters were very nicely developed and relatable more than I thought. However it was kind of hard to follow at times and since the story was a bit complicated to understand it made it hard for me to watch more than 1 or 2 episodes at a time... Maybe I am too used to watch anime that are aimed at a younger audience though. ^w^''

Overall I give Pandora Hearts a rating of 7 out of 10!

I hope you liked my anime review! ~ I am currently watching longer anime series but I have a few shorter series that I'm watching that I'm planning to review in the next few months so if you like my anime reviews keep your eyes open for that! ^w^

Until next time my pretty lavender macarons, take care! ~

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