Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Daily Outfits! ~ December 10th to December 16th!

Hello my sweet gingerbread cookies! ~

I'm back on my blog today with my outfits that I haven't shared from before my surgery! ~

I am slowly getting better and recovering... ;o; I am so unlucky, I caught a very bad cold right after my surgery so my recovery haven't been the best. ^w^'' I was extremely tired and weak... ~w~ I'm trying to do a little more each day so I decided it would be nice to give you guys some news about me and write on my blog today! ^w^

As I said, my outfits are from before my surgery since I haven't been able to wear Lolita fashion yet since my wounds are still healing... I'm very much looking forward wearing the fashion again soon. ;o;

Now, onto the outfits! ~ The first three are from work and the others were worn for events. :3

~ Outfit from December 10th! ~

Headbow; Miko Lolita
Cutsew; Rose Melody
Skirt; Anna House
Socks; Secret Shop
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Paradise Rose

I obviously wasn't feeling very cheerful the week before my surgery so I decided to wear more simple and casual outfits for work. ~ I wore my comfy peachy pink cutsew with my blue Anna House skirt with some little touches of white. :3

~ Outfit from December 11th! ~

Headbow; Anna House
Blouse; Dear Celine
Skirt; Wear it Cuter
Socks; Bodyline
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Paradise Rose & Offbrand

I wanted to wear my hair in braids on that day so I decided to wear a gingham skirt! ^w^ I coordinated my red gingham skirt with white and little touches of pink. ~ I love how well these socks match with the outfit. :3

~ Outfit from December 12th! ~

Headbow; Momo & Jia
Blouse; Kidsyoyo
Skirt; Wear it Cuter
Socks; Secret Shop
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Cute Can Kill & Rococo Soul

Another simple and comfy outfit for my last day of work before my surgery. ~ I decided to coordinate my lilac candy skirt with pink along with colourful socks and an ice cream necklace for an interesting touch. :3

~ Outfit from December 15th! ~

This was my outfit for my work's Holiday party! ~

Headbow; Fan Plus Friend
Blouse; Oo Jia
Jumperskirt; Momo & Jia
Socks; Bodyline
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Paradise Rose & Offbrand

I decided to go all out for my work's Holiday party since I knew I wouldn't be able to dress up during the Holidays. ;o; I wore my white Hime jumperskirt with red in a coordinate inspired by candy canes! ^w^ I chose accessories themed around pearls for an elegant touch. ~

~ Outfit from December 16th! ~

I wore this outfit for the Prince's grandparents birthday party! ~

Headbow; Fan Plus Friend
Blouse; Oo Jia
Skirt; Rose Melody
Socks; Bodyline
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Sugar Raindrops, Paradise Rose & Offbrand

Another kind of fancy outfit that I planned to wear during the Holidays. ^w^ I coordinated my white and silver skirt with blue. ~ The colour scheme was inspired by the ice and snow. :3

I hope you enjoyed taking a look at my outfits and that you will continue to support me in the future! ~ I plan to write my year in review and my resolutions as I usually do on my blog for the new year. :3 It may take a little longer then usual since I am still recovering my my surgery but please look forward to it in the beginning of next year! ^w^

Until next time my precious milky white jewels! ~

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Daily Outfits! ~ December 3rd to December 6th!

Hello my sweet little blueberries! ~

I'm back on my blog this week with my outfits from last week! ^w^

This will be my only post this week since I'm going to be on a hiatus for a little while... I'm going to have a surgery next week and since I want to have a smooth and worry-free recovery, I'm putting blogging aside for a little while... I really hope I can get back to blogging as soon as possible! ~ Don't worry, I'll keep you updated! :3

Now, enough chatting, it's time for the outfits! ~ I've decided to include a more casual Otome outfit too because I know some people are curious about how do I dress when I am not dressed up! ^w^ As usual, my outfits were worn to work unless stated otherwise. :3

~ Outfit from December 3rd! ~

Headdress; Bodyline
Blouse; Hmhm
Skirt; Oo Jia
Socks; Bodyline
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Paradise Rose & Offbrand

I was really inspired by the look of braids with a headdress on that day! ~ I decided to wear my headdress with my blue gingham skirt because I think it would go nicely with the braids too! ^w^ I coordinated it with my offwhite blouse and socks for a more old-school and simple feel. :3

~ Outfit from December 4th! ~

Headbow; Dream of Lolita
Blouse; Dear Celine
Jumperskirt; Dream of Lolita
Socks; Offbrand
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Paradise Rose, Chocomint & Offbrand

I really wanted to wear that jumperskirt out again! ^w^ I knew I wore it recently but I can only wear this jumperskirt during the winter months so I spoiled myself, hehe. ~ This time, I coordinated it with a long sleeved pink blouse, some pink socks with strawberries on them and flurry yarn accessories themed around bunnies. :3

~ Outfit from December 5th! ~

I wore this outfit to get some Holiday cards and visit my friend Renée to catch up! ~

Headbow; Anna House
Blouse; Offbrand
Cardigan; Vintage/Offbrand
Skirt; Handmade
Socks; Bodyline
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Offbrand

I decided to go for something a bit more comfy for my day off work with the Prince. ~ I'm usually less strict about balancing out the colours of my outfits when I wear Otome fashion! This vintage cardigan that my grandma gave me is the most comfy thing ever for the colder months! :3

~ Outfit from December 6th! ~

Headdress; Dream of Lolita
Blouse; Anna House
Jumperskirt; Dream of Lolita
Socks; Secret Shop
Bag; Loris
Wristcuffs; Princess Pearl Designs
Accessories; Paradise Rose

I wasn't very inspired for my last day of work this week so I decided to stay in the blue colour scheme after all. XD; I coordinated my Lovely Forest jumperskirt with pink and some wristcuffs for a little elegant touch. ~

So that was my outfits from last week! ~ I'll try to post my outfits from this week during the next week, but we will see how well my recovery is going. ;o; Please send me positive vibes! :3

Until next time my fluffy puffy kittens! ^w^

Friday, December 7, 2018

Lolita Blog Carnival! ~ Create A Lolita Prompt Challenge!

Hello my very sweet sugar cookies! ~

I'm back on my blog by the end of this week for another Lolita Blog Carnival! ^w^ I haven't done those in a while and the subject this week was a bit challenging for me so I decided to give it a go! :3 The subject this week was...

Create A Lolita Prompt Challenge

At first I wanted to do a 30 days prompt challenge, but I thought that I didn't had that much interesting ideas... XD; So I went for a 12 months challenge. ~

There is one Lolita or Lifestyle prompt for every month. ^w^ I thought I would list them and explain them a bit and why I decided to chose them. :3 It's a mix between fashion inspired prompts and more lifestyle Lolita prompts so it's more suited to Lolitas that consider themselves to be lifestyle Lolitas. ~

12 Months of Lolita & Lifestyle

January: What are your Lolita/Lifestyle resolutions?

January is the month of resolutions for everyone and Lolitas are not exempt to that! XD; I thought it would be a nice prompt for January, especially because I think Lolitas doesn't talk a lot about their goals for their wardrobe and their lifestyle very often. ~

February: Share your favourite makeup products from your Lolita makeup routine!

I associate the month of February with romance because of Valentine's day and romance with makeup apparently. XD;

March: What are your favourite tea blends?

The month of March is still very cold here in Canada and my favourite thing to fight the cold months is a yummy cup of tea. :3

April: What are your favourite Lolita bags?

I love bags! XD; I love collecting them. ~ I wish we would talk more about Lolita bags, the more intricate ones and the one that are more practical for daily Lolitas. :3

May: Share a favourite recipe.

With the Loliday around the corner, I thought that the month of May would be perfect to share our recipe for the Lolita potlucks, Tea Parties and picnics! ^w^

June: What are your favourite Loliday/meetup memory?

This one is pretty self-explanatory. XD; I always like to read about other Lolitas favourites memories of meetups and cute stories about their communities. :3

July: A fictional character that inspire your fashion or lifestyle.

This one was inspired by one of the posts I saw on Rufflechat a while ago that was about the anime characters that would inspire your style... So for the people that aren't into anime I extended it a bit! ^w^ I usually like to get inspired by real Lolitas, but a little inspiration from the fiction is always refreshing. ~

August: Create a coord based on your astrological sign.

August is my birthday month and I used to relate a lot to my astrological sign, so I thought it would be nice to add a little bit of creativity in there by creating a coord around it. ^w^

September: Share something that you created.

I think that the Lolita lifestyle is about putting the Lolita aesthetic in the things you create or craft... September is usually a very inspiring month for me creativity-wise so I thought it would be the perfect prompt for this month!

October: Share a Lolita or lifestyle horror story!

It can be anything related to Lolita or your lifestyle! XD; A broken shoe on the way to a meetup? A hair dye horror story? That time that you brought your most expensive teapot and teacup to a picnic and it broke apart in your bag? ^w^'' (Been there, done that...)

November: Write a poem inspired by the Lolita lifestyle.

It may be a little bit more of a challenge for the Lolitas that doesn't already write or are more into the crafty side of things... But I thought it would make an interesting prompt before the winter Loliday! (You can even share it with others on your Loliday meetup, like we did in our community!)

December: Share some Lolita or lifestyle inspired gift ideas.

I know that there are many lists about gift ideas for Lolitas out there, but one that is a little more personal for you is always useful to have too! ^w^ You can even send it to friends or family! ~

Phew, here it is all complete! ^w^

I hope you liked to take a look at my prompts and it may inspire you for your own blog too if you chose to do my challenge! ~ If you do so, I appreciate if you can link it to my blog or this blog post! :3

Before you go, don't forget to take a look at the other blogs that have participated in this Lolita Blog Carnival and show them some love! ^w^

Until next time my perfectly infused Chai teacups! ~

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Saguenay's Lolitas Meeting! ~ Winter Loliday 2018!

Hello my pretty purple roses! :3

Last weekend, our little Lolita community here is Saguenay celebrated International Lolita Day! ^w^/

A little while ago, Catherine asked me if she could organize a Tea Party at her house for one of our meetups! Since I was a bit busy and my health isn't the best also lately, I decided to let her organize the winter Loliday for this year! ^w^ I gave her some tips but overall she organized mostly everything and I was very proud of her, she was a fantastic host! :3

I didn't had a lot of inspiration for my outfit... ^w^'' Usually I'll wear my latest purchase for the following Loliday, but I haven't bought anything in almost a year and half... Érika and I tried to find inspiration for my outfit on Friday night and she reminded me about my Day Dream Carnival jumperskirt! XD; I pretty much forgot I owned this dress... ^w^'' So I decided to make an outfit with it! ~

Here was my outfit for the Loliday! :3

~ Outfit from December 1st! ~

Headbow; Oo Jia
Blouse; Oo Jia
Jumperskirt; Oo Jia
Socks; Bodyline
Bag; Loris
Accessories; Sugar Raindrops, Rococo Soul & Offbrand

I was inspired to wear a monochrome outfit with my Day Dream Carnival! ^w^ I've never worn that dress with long sleeves before! I chose socks with a bit of pink in them to match nicely with the print and I think it makes it stand out more. ~ I also chose accessories that are simple, yet enhance the elegance of the outfit and the print. :3 It's been a while since I was this proud and excited to wear a coordinate! ^w^

I went at Catherine's house a little bit early to help her prepare everything before the guests would arrive. :3 When everyone was there, we took our outfit pictures! :3

Catherine in her Steampunk inspired outfit! ^w^ I really love her blouse and I think it coordinated so nicely with this look! ~

Alex in his Ouji outfit! ~ I think that the little cameo broach he added to his neckbow adds a nice finishing touch to his accessories. :3

Mason in their Ouji outfit! ^w^ I really love their big neckbow, it looks very elegant! :3

Érika in her lovely black and lilac outfit! ~ Look at her cute sparkly necklace! I think it coordinated so nicely with the print and it adds an interesting touch. :3

Of course, Emily had to have her outfit shot too! XD;

Jenn was very elegant as usual. :3 I especially love the pattern on her tights and her lovely bag. ^w^

And there's me! ^w^ My orignal outfit had my lilac gloves but since I couldn't take my outfit picture from earlier with them I putted them on here. :3 Thanks to Jenn for the picture! ~

For the activities during the afternoon, Catherine planned an Alice in Wonderland themed Bingo! ^w^ She made one for a Tea Party she organized last year and she thought it would be nice to play it again since Lolita fashion is quite inspired by Alice in Wonderland! :3

There was Alice in Wonderland themed words instead of numbers! ~

And I won some jelly beans! ^w^ Yay! ~

We played Bingo for quite a while. ~ After that, everyone was invited to share some creativity with eachother. Basically, we would share something that we made, wrote or created. :3 I read two poems and one was very much Lolita fashion themed. It's a very dear poem to me and I was happy to share it with everyone. ^w^ Everyone's creations were also wonderful and moved me a lot! I couldn't believe how much talent we have in the community and I was very proud of my friends for being so talented! ~

Since Sandrine and Angélique couldn't make it for the Tea Party in the end, we took the group pictures before eating our meal! :3

Everyone looked so pretty and elegant. :3 With each meetup and I can see everyone improve their outfits and I feel very proud, hehe. ~ Thanks to Jenn for the picture again! My phone is such potato quality that it would have been a disaster. ^w^''

I also really like how our outfits kind of match in colours? XD; It wasn't even intentional. ^w^'' We are basically a lilac, black, grey, white and pink frilly blob. XD;

Everyone was very hungry so we setted up the table for the Tea Party! ~

We had so much yummy food! ^w^ I made cheddar scones and "sushi" veggie sandwiches. :3

I had to take a cute picture of the cupcakes Alex's brought for dessert! ^w^ They were so colourful and especially yummy! ~

After the tea party we chatted a bit and played some board games. :3

I had such a wonderful time for this year's winter Loliday! ^w^ I remember that last year the winter Loliday was my first one where I could celebrate with my local Lolita community and I was very grateful, and I am even more grateful that our community have grown so much during the past year! ~

I am looking forward the next year where I plan to make our community grow more and more and we will be even more active than this year! ^w^

Until next time my sweet kitty shaped puddings! ~