Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Friday, June 21, 2013

Today I have a few cute things to share. ^w^ ♥ I have one lolita outfit and one casual outfit to show you and I also received a very lovely package yesterday, yay! ~

Let's start with my outfit from yesterday. ~ I went to buy the groceries with daddy. :3

An elegant look in lilac and white themed around hearts. ~

Headbow; Momo & Jia.
Blouse; Anna House.
Jumperskirt; Momo & Jia.
Socks; Anna House.
Shoes; An*Tai*Na.
Bag; Loris.
Parasol; Angelic Pretty.
Accessories; Sugar Raindrops & Rococo Soul.

As I said, I received a package yesterday. ^w^

It was my bento supplies! Yay! ~ ♥

I was so excited of having so much cute stuff to make a kawaii bento so I decided to make myself one for dinner even if I didn't ate out. ^w^''

My very first bento! ~ ^o^ It's not perfect but it's very cute after all. ♥

In the big compatment there is sesame sprinkled rice and on top of that there is a hard boiled egg, some crispy fried tofu and a curry dip for the tofu pieces and the egg. ~ In the small compartment there is some lettuce with pieces of carrots and cucumber and a balsamic vinegar dressing. ^w^ It was delicious and.. cute! *o* ♥

Today I spoiled myself with a peanut butter, banana and chocolate oatmeal this morning and I ate sushis for dinner. :3 I also took a picture of my casual outfit. ~

I was feeling ghostly. ~

It was so hot outside today. ~o~ I had to pick up daddy from work tonight and even if I putted on my 110 FPS sunscreen my skin still have reacted badly to the sun. ;w; I now have weird red blotches on my left cheek. D: It hurts when I touch them and my skin is kind of dry. ;w; My first sunburn of the year, I feel honoured. ~o~I could exchange my overly sensitive skin anytime, huh. ;w;

Tomorrow will be another calm day for me, I have a little cleanup to do but I will spend the rest of the day watching Pretty Cure Max Heart! ^w^ ♥

xox ~ Petite Tomoyo. ♥


  1. Oh mon Dieu, ton bento est tellement cute ! ;A; T'as full de talent sérieux, je suis pas capable de faire de quoi de cute avec ces affaires-là XD

    Pis je te trouve vraiment très jolie avec les cheveux lousse, comme la dernière photo :3

  2. Merci hihihi. ;o; C'est mon premier bento alors je le trouve pas extraordinaire mais je m'améliorerai. ^w^

    En fait je n'ai pas les cheveux lousses sur la dernière photo, ils sont simplement attachés en lulus basses et je les avais plaqués. ~
