Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I took me one hour to get up of the couch to write on my blog this afternoon. D: I caught a bad cold. ;w; My throat hurts a lot and I keep sneezing. D: I feel very weak but I know I have stuff to do. ;w; I try not to push myself too much but sometimes when I feel like I need to rest I keep telling myself that I am lazy. ;o; I know it's bad, I shouldn't feel guilty when I need to rest a little. ;w;

So, I have three oufits to post on my blog today. ^w^ Let's start! ~

Last Friday, I went at the Timmies and at the mall with daddy. ~ We also had an appointment at the bank. ~ Daddy bought me a flowery teacup that day. ^w^ It's very pretty. ~ Well, here was my outfit for that day. ♥

A casual but elegant outfit all in pink. ~

Headbow; Miko Lolita.
Blouse; Kidsyoyo.
Skirt; Anna House.
Socks; Secret Shop.
Shoes; An*Tai*Na.
Bag; Loris.
Accessories; Paradise Rose Shop.

Yesterday, Kevin came at my house. ^w^ I was so happy to see him, I know I will always have a great time when we are together. 8D Here was my outfit for yesterday. ~

I coordinated my Milky Planet dress with pink tulle accessories on a pony and stars theme. ~

Headbow; Oo Jia.
Blouse; Anna House.
Jumperskirt; Oo Jia.
Socks; Secret Shop.
Shoes; Bodyline.
Bag; Loris.
Wristcuffs; Princess Pearl Designs.
Accessories; Chocomint & Bodyline.

We had home made sushis for dinner. 8D I was very proud of me, they were the yummiest sushis I ever made and I am happy that I could share them with Kevin-chan. ^w^

Smoked salmon, tamagoyaki, cream cheese and avocado. ;o; ♥ The perfect fillings in my opinion. ♥

We also had some tea after the dinner. :3 It was the first time that Kevin had tea and he chosed to drink some Lady Grey tea. ~ He said that he liked it. ^o^/ I was happy because it's one of my favourite teas to drink with a dessert. ^w^ I hope that we can take tea together more often. 8D

After our meal, we watched the first Harry Potter movie! ^w^ As you may already know, he lended me the first book this week and I thought that we should watch the movie after that I finished to read it. ^w^ Yesterday, he lended me the second book and after I finish it we will watch the movie together and do the same for the other books too. XD; I think it gives us a reason to meet after all! ~

Overall it was a lovely evening with my dear friend Kevin-chan. ^w^ I am always happy to have Harry Potter themed activities with him. 8D

So, today I woke up with a bad cold so I decided to dress warm and cosy for the day. ~ Here is my outfit. ♥

All offbrand or handmade. ~

I also baked muffins today. :3 At first I wanted to bake oat and raisins muffins but It turned out to be oat, raisins, cranberry and sunflower seeds muffins. XD; I didn't know I had so much ingredients left. XD; They taste very yummy and they are very filling. :3 Perfect for busy mornings. ~

Now I will spend the rest of the day spoiling myself I think. ~ I have to rest a little and I have to take care of my skin; doing a face whitening mask and exfoliate my face. :3 I think I will take a warm bath too, it will help me relax. ~

xox ~ Petite Tomoyo. ♥

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