Welcome. ♥

~ Petite Tomoyo ~

Frilly squishy Princess, forever a magical girl,
whimsical lost artist, mischievous but friendly witch...
Proud Lifestyle & Daily Lolita since the last decade.
Wishes she can live forever on tea and cake.
Keeping her eyes sparkling, making her soul blooming. *

Nice to meet you. ~
Welcome in my secret garden. ♥

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tonight I feel the need to post something a little more personnal. I've been feeling kind of empty lately... I know that I still wear lolita everyday and it makes me incredibly happy to choose the main pieces of my outfits and to carefully coordinate them. But, I feel like theses days I'm slowly drifting away from lolita lifestyle and it leaves my both my body and my mind so empty and sick...

I need to stop being lazy and to incorporate elements of the lolita lifestyle in my life again. I don't want to only wear lolita, I want to live lolita, I want to eat lolita, I want to breathe lolita, I want to dream lolita... ♥

Back in the days, I was being so selective about how I lived my life. I only wanted to have stylish and pretty artsy friends, I only wanted to have fun, play some video games on my pink DS, drinking only warm tea from october to may and iced tea from may to october... ♫ I was never feeling incomplete, useless or empty...

I think I will focus more on the things that makes me happy and proud;

~ Drinking tea in the morning, at 4 o'clock and in the evening. ♥
~ Making myself some yummy breakfasts. (Pancakes, Eggnog milk, yogourt with granola and lots of fresh berries. ♥)
~ Bake cute desserts more often. ♥
~ Play more video games and games in general. ♥
~ Taking long walks in the forest, looking at cute forest animals. ♥
~ Doing my nails, making some face masks and taking long baths. ♥
~ Writing poetry, writing letters to my friends and writing in my diary. ♥
~ Listening to classical music. ♥
~ Taking a lot of beautiful and inspiring pictures. ♥

Also, I want to see my close friends a lot. ;w; Most of them are so far away now and I miss the precious moments with them.. I miss how life was so simple with them by my side to cheer me up everyday.. Last weekend when I saw Alexou, I laughed a lot and I realised that I missed to laugh and to be with her and my others friends... I miss going to a café until late a night or just playing society games all together. ;w;

I also want to make a huge shopping spree in a big shopping mall at Quebec or even at Saguenay. I want to buy a whole lot of things and I go out of the mall with 20 different bags from different shops. ;w; Shopping on the internet is just not the same.. D: I think I miss shopping a lot. ;w;

Well, I'm not used to make a post without pictures on this blog but I really needed to write this down to lighten my heart and soul. ♥ I also think I will write more emotional and inspiring posts like this, I need to make this blog truly personnal. ♥

xox ~ Petite Tomoyo. ♥

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