Friday, June 15, 2018

I planted my garden! ~ ❀

Hello my pretty light green sprouts! ~

I've been putting off posting about this on my blog for weeks because I was feeling like it wasn't that interesting and it was nothing to be proud about... ^w^'' But during the beginning of June I finally planted my garden for the summer! :3


I'm pretty proud of myself this time, last year I was feeling kind of exhausted physically and mentally so I didn't have the energy to keep up with a proper garden and flowers... So I only bought some for the front of my house... ^w^'' But this year I knew I wanted to have some proper pretty flowers in my yard and to grow a few herbs on my own. :3

I know these pictures aren't the most aesthetically pleasing, but it represent an aspect of the Lolita lifestyle that is important for me and I wanted to share it even if I know I'm not perfect. ^w^''

I got a bunch of flowers that were already grown and I planted them in the flower boxes near my deck. ~ I don't get a lot of sunlight there so I wanted to get fully grown flowers instead of trying to grew them my own since my past experiences with that weren't so great. XD;

I also got two other containers (the turquoise ones that you can see in the pictures above) for cat grass and sage. ~

I'm pretty proud of how I arranged them. ^w^ (I don't really remember the names of the flowers, I only got them because I thought the colours were pretty. XD)

I also got two other containers hanging from my balcony for herbs. ~ I got two of them already grown (green onion and basil) and planted 4 others (summer savory, parsley, coriander and mint). :3

Finally, I got 4 hanging flowers pots in front of my house. ~ I wanted to get pink and white ones this year because last year I went for pink and red and I wanted some change. ^w^ I also wanted to spray paint the hangers white or a softer colour but I figured out I didn't had the energy to do that. ~w~ Maybe later this summer?

So that was my little garden this year! ~ I'm glad that I shared it on my blog and I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at it! ^w^'' I'll probably to a little update on it when my herbs will have grown and maybe examples of recipes or how I decided to preserve my herbs? I don't know yet... ^w^''

Until next time my pretty and soft pastel flowers. ~


  1. Gardening is such a great hobby, I love your floral pots.
