Friday, November 6, 2020

52 Weeks of Lolita ~ What does the phrase “Lolita lifestyle” mean to you, and do you adhere to it?

 Hello my wonderfully soft kitten paws! :3

I'm back on my blog today with another 52 weeks of Lolita! ~ The subject this week is very exciting to me and if you know me you'll get why! ^w^

~ What does the phrase “Lolita lifestyle” mean to you, and do you adhere to it? ~

Well, if you know me or you've looked at this blog a bit, you know that I consider myself a Lifestyle Lolita since the last decade! I've talked several times about the Lolita lifestyle on my blog with my Lolita Lifestyle 101 series but my posts were more informational and inspirational than personal, indeed! ^w^

So I guess that today is the time to open up my heart about it! ~

To me, Lolita lifestyle is something incredibly precious. Lolita fashion and especially the lifestyle came at a point in my life where I didn't had any goals in life... I didn't think my life or myself had any value or meaning... When I discovered the Lolita lifestyle, I decided that that would be my ultimate life goal! I felt like it was almost like a spiritual calling, a vocation and a message from the universe that I would have finally found my place in the world! ^^;

I know that the Lolita lifestyle is something personal to each and every one of us, but to me it really centers around three key points! ~

~ Wearing Lolita fashion (or Otome) daily!

I think it would be really hard to have a proper Lolita lifestyle for me without wearing Lolita fashion most of the time. I can definitely feel Lolita without all my frills, but wearing it on the daily helps a lot! ^w^ I helps me feel true to myself and my values; even if it's hard, even if some days I don't feel like dressing up all fancy... In the end I know it's going to make me happy and make my day a lot better!

~ Trying my best to make every aspect of my life suit the Lolita aesthetics!

As I am mostly a Sweet Lolita I can usually get away with anything on the Kawaii side, basically! XD; If I have the choice and it doesn't cost a lot more or doesn't require more effort, I'll pretty much always chose to surround myself with cute or elegant things or at least things that are suited to my colour scheme (usually white or lighter colours).

Most of my hobbies are also suitable to Lolita aesthetic also; Playing cute videogames, watching anime, journaling, reading, cooking/baking, watercolours, tending to my garden, etc... Of course I don't force myself to have hobbies that I don't like or enjoy, but I looked at some that would be suited to the Lolita lifestyle and I try to experiment with some that I think would be fun! ^w^

~ Embracing values that are related to the lifestyle and living according to the Princess Code!

I recently made a blog post about that subject! ^w^ The values related to the Lolita lifestyle really helped me shape myself as a person and become more aligned with what I wanted to be! It gave me something to strive for and work towards. The Princess Code is also very dear to me because it helped me find self-love and practice self-care when I wasn't able to do it in my life! ~

I really think that is an aspect of the Lolita lifestyle that is often overlooked. Most of the lifestyle Lolitas I know aren't doing it for other people or to post pretty pictures of their surroundings to Instagram; they are doing it for themselves, because it help them feel happier and more aligned with who they want to be! :3

I hope you enjoyed my little insight on the subject! ^w^ And to you my lovely readers, are you a lifestyle Lolita? Would you like to be one? ~ Leave me a comment, they are always appreciated! :3

Until next time my pretty lilac bows, stay safe and take care! :3


  1. Amazing post! I think for my lifestyle I miss wearing lolita daily; Some years ago I used to wear lolita daily, but until now I couldn't get back to that. As I am always dealing with cleaning or painting furniture when I am at home, I feel bad for wearing my frills. Lately I have been planning a new wardrobe to wear at home, I even choose some dresses to be my daily dresses, but I am just missing the makeup part, that I should be solving soon! Your outfits always inspire me to wear lolita more often!

    1. Awww thank you! ^^ I don't always wear my prettiest outfits when I am at home but just wearing a cute Otome style skirt with a cute cutsew or knit cardigan is always making me feel better! ~ Also, don't feel bad about not wearing makeup at home, I pretty much only wear makeup when I go out! ^w^''
