Friday, August 2, 2019

SagGeek 2019 Review! ~ Sunday July 21th!

Hello my cute plumeria flowers! :3

On my blog post today I'll do the review of my last day at the SagGeek this year! ^w^ I mostly did my Lolita Fashion 102 panel on that day and it was kind of a more relax day (as usual for a last day of a convention). ~

So let's start with my outfit for the Sunday! ^w^

~ Outfit from July 21th! ~

Headbow; Oo Jia
Blouse; Oo Jia
Jumperskirt; Oo Jia
Socks; Secret Shop
Shoes; Bodyline
Bag; Loris
Wristcuffs; Princess Pearl Designs
Accessories; Chocomint, Paradise Rose & Offbrand

I wanted to wear a more intricate coordinate since I was going to explain how to coordinate outfits for my panel on that day! ^w^ I love how this coordinate turned out! I like to pair this jumperskirt with red and I think the little touches of pink really makes the print stand out more! ~

When I arrived at the convention I had a little free time before my panel so I searched around the convention for my friend Érika which was in Nozomi that day! ^^

Of course I got to take a picture with one my favourite Love Live girls! :3

After that I prepared for my panel. ~ I was a little bit nervous since I feel like they gave me a bigger room than the other day and it was right in the middle of the hall... XD; It was the first time I was giving my Lolita Fashion 102 panel and I didn't had a lot of time to prepare so I was hoping everything would be fine... ;w;

The Prince, DD and Jenn took some pictures during my panel! :3 It was more of a chatting/tips panel so it's mostly me talking but I thought I would share some of them anyway. ^w^

There was quite a lot of people at my second panel! ^w^ I was very happy since pretty much all our Lolita community was there! ~

I felt accomplished sharing my tips and my knowledge with them! :3

Talking about the Lolita lifestyle! ^w^ This part was probably my favourite one to explain and share! ~

I was feeling very sereine and happy after I finished my second panel! :3 It was one of my goals this year to share more information and knowledge about the fashion with my community so I was proud of me! ^w^

After my panel, it was lunch time and most importantly Pokemon league time! ~

I was carrying my Sylveon plushie with me when I was on my gym leader duty and Francis got a cute Pancham plushie on that weekend so they had to pose together! ^w^

I gathered with a few of the gym leaders and we hung around the convention together waiting for opponents for a while! I loved being a gym leader, it was such a nice experience in more serious competition battles and I am looking forward learning more and more about it as the time goes by! ~

I also did a last trip to the dealer's room! ~ I did found a few more things that I liked that weren't gone by the last day. :3

The Prince got a Cosmog hama for me! ^w^ (Technically it's for him too, it's going to go on our gaming shelf that is shared between to the of us! :3)

After my last trip to the dealer's room it was time for the award ceremony and the end of the convention. ;o;

Audrey was so pretty in her Princess Peach cosplay! ^w^

Both of the people that I knew that participated in the mascarade got awards! ~ I felt so proud and happy for them! :3

Of course a convention isn't complete if I don't put unwanted bunny ears on the Prince, haha! XD; Meet the cute bunny pirate! ^w^

After the convention I decided to go to Chocolat Favoris with our friend squad! :3

I tried the new melon flavour with lime ice cream! ~ It was... interesting. XD;

Here is the last group picture of the convention. ~ I took the picture after we had eaten our ice creams so that's why the table look a little bare haha! ^w^''

Overall I had a nice convention! I was glad I got the chance to give my panels and share some knowledge about the fashion with new people and with my Lolita community. I also could practice being a proper Pokemon gym leader for the first time which was a nice experience too! ^w^ I saw some lovely cosplays, spent some time with my friends and got some pretty things from the dealer's room also. :3

Stay tuned for my SagGeek haul later this weekend or maybe next week! ~ (I'm going back to work after my vacations are over next week so I think I may want to enjoy my last "off days" before the hectic times start again. UwU'')

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