Friday, February 15, 2019

Lolita Blog Carnival! ~ What Would Be An Item Or Accessory That You Wish You Had More Of?

Hello my cutie kitten ears! ~

Today I join another Lolita Blog Carnival! ^w^ I haven't done one in a long while and I thought it would be interesting to do one this week! :3 The subject for this time was...

What Would Be An Item Or Accessory That You Wish You Had More Of?

It was hard for me at first to pinpoint what I "miss" in my closet since I am pretty happy with the pieces I've got and I know I can mix and match a lot of things in my closet... But I thought that this was the perfect time to dream and pinpoint what would my "Dream Closet" would look like, ideally! ^w^

Country Lolita Pieces

I love Country Lolita and it's pretty much my go-to style for the warmer months since I discovered it! ^w^ However I think I don't have many pieces that nicely fit the aesthetic of the style... Sure I can always wear my strawberry prints or some more plain pieces in a Country coordinate, but I really wish I would have more jumperskirts and OPs with gingham or pretty summery flowers! *v* Ideally I would like I have at least one flowery OP in pink, white or blue, two jumperskirts in blue and lilac with gingham or flowers on them and two other skirts in blue in lilac with gingham and/or flowers. :3

Sailor Lolita Pieces

I only have one Sailor Lolita OP and one Sailor Lolita blouse, I really wish I had more! ;w; Sailor Lolita isn't one of my favourite styles but I really love how it looks on me and how it can be sweetened up! XD; It also reminds me of the Old-School Lolita days too which are very dear to my heart! ;o; Ideally I would like to add at least another Sailor blouse, in blue. I would also love to have a blue or blue and white Sailor OP. ~ I think that a Sailor Lolita cutsew would also be very useful for casual days too and I've seen so many cute ones! :3


I only have 3 cutsews in my closet and for someone that wears Lolita fashion on the daily I think it's really not enough! XD; I think that cutsews in blue, lilac and red would be something interesting to add in my closet for more daily coordinates. ~

Yellow Pieces

I thought about for a while and I know that for now it would be too much of a hassle to go on the hunt for them, but I really wish I would have some yellow pieces in my closet. ;w; I don't have any at the moment, but I have a lot of prints with yellow on them and I think it would be a nice colour to add to my closet. ^w^ I also think it would be a nice colour suited for Country Lolita too and it also would match with the colours in my closet I already own! :3

Old-School/Plain Pieces

I already have a lot of them since I went on a shopping spree for them when I was starting university and I wanted to have more casual and versatile pieces in my closet, but I think I still miss a few of them! I don't even have a plain pink jumperskirt in my closet and I've been a Sweet Lolita for nearly 10 years now! XD; I would also want to add another plain pink skirt, a plain blue jumperskirt and a plain blue OP (probably with an appliqué or something fun!).

So that's pretty much what I would generally miss so I would have a dream closet for me! ^w^ Even if I am already happy with what I own, it made me think about the things I would really like to add to my closet so it's even more complete and functional. ~

Don't forget to take a look at the other bloggers that participated in this week's Lolita Blog Carnival and go show them some love! ^w^

Until next time my precious jewels, take care! ^w^

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I do like a good country and sailor lolita outfit. They are also easy to wear on a daily basis (though mainly in summer), since they tread on that retro trend and you can seasonally find matching pieces offbrand. :)
